
Terms of use

This is a non-commercial free web resource. It is a compilation of my personal reading materials. In accessing the pages on this site, you agree that you only use the content for your own personal non-commercial home use.

While I made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this site, there may still be inaccuracies in the content. The information that can be provided in the site is by no means exhaustive. I would like to emphasize that information on MRCPsych Examination is only intended as a supplement to wider reading in preparation for MRCPsych Examinations.

Please note that this site is not an alliance, or a part of any organisation, or a publication of any organisation. This website, forum and the contacts are solely for the purpose of training in psychiatry. For any questions, concerns or medical problems please contact your general practitioner or local health service.

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I respect and am committed to protecting your privacy. There is no monitoring of individual usage of the website. Site usage statistics contain no personal information.